Working Group Ulm Team
Moderator of the group is Carmen Stadelhofer (ILEU), supported by Carmen Rouhiainen (ILEU) and Viktoria Kurnosenko (ILEU).
In the DENTA group in Ulm are ten learners active: Ildiko Dobrescu, Christel Freitag-Wagner, Hanns Hanagarth, Brigitte Nguyen-Duong, Bertram Wegemer, Iris Humpenöder, Horst Buchmann, Ute Frederici, Margot Eisele, Rolf-Peter König
Work started in November once a month, since January 2020 the group started to meet every two weeks in the ILEU office in Ulm.
Due the Corona the group continued the work via video-conference and met almost every week